Welcome to the Centro Diagnóstico Lucilo Ávila (CDLA) privacy notice.This notice was prepared for you, who are visiting our site and for all CDLA customers. Our mission is to provide an increasingly better service, and therefore, this document seeks to objectively clarify how we collect and process data for the provision of Marketing services by CDLA, under the terms of the Brazilian General Personal Data Protection Law – LGPD (Law No. 13,709 /2018).
If you still have questions or are interested in talking to us about any issue related to your data, please feel free to contact our team on this email: [email protected].
Controller Identification: Clínica Lucilo Ávila Jr Ltda, legal entity of private law, CNPJ 08.174.500/0001-51, headquarters on Av. João de Barros, 50- Boa Vista – Recife/PE – CEP: 50050- 180.